Dual wield

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Baby Coryn
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Dual wield

Post by werfwafg » Thu Apr 14, 2022 5:23 am

is Rampage good for dual sword?
and is saber Aura good for charging up soulhunt?
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Re: Dual wield

Post by Red_Fox » Fri Apr 22, 2022 6:06 pm

you can see the detailed effect of Rampage in the skill info on the main site. select "dual swords" from the weapon tab.
since the skill is for 1h, all attack modifiers will only apply to the main hand and damage calculation for the final attack does not include the sub hand sword.

it behaves the same as every other blade skill, there is no extra bonus for dual swords.
but since dual swords split their power to main and sub hand, you might have less power than others when using one handed skills.
I am Kenough.
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